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Greenbrier Veterinary Hospital

Dr. Susan Mohler

Dr. Susan Mohler

Dr. Susan Mohler

Dr. Susan Mohler is celebrating her twentieth year with Greenbrier Veterinary Hospital in the summer of 2018. She has been in veterinary medicine since high school, however serving in nearly every capacity including: kennels, reception and veterinary technician over the years in general practice as well as emergency. Dr. Sue graduated from the Virginia Maryland college of Veterinary Medicine in 1996. A little know fact about Dr. Sue is that she went to South America as a volunteer with The Christian Veterinary Mission while in school and consequently does speak some Spanish! Dr. Sue’s professional interests include small animal internal medicine and emergency care, as well as exotic animal practice including small mammals, avian and reptiles. When not at the office, Dr. Sue can be found cheering at her children’s sport activities, hiking with her family and dogs and singing with the Greenbrier Valley Chorale. She is proud to call West Virginia her adopted home!